Delegation of Australia


 “Search-in” for young women in Bundoora


          As part of our Vocation ministry in Australia, Sr. Mia  conducts Search-in afternoons on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The Search-in is for young women from the ages of 18 to 30 who may be asking themselves what the Lord wants them to do in life. The reflections are planned in such a way that there is time for prayer, input and sharing.

          On 18 March 2006, eight young women attended the Search-in session and it was wonderful to see the enthusiasm with which they participated in the program and the depth with which they search so as to know and follow God’s will.

          The whole community supports the initiative with their prayer and by joining the group for afternoon tea at the end of the session.


Sr. Mia and the group of young women who attended the Search-in on 18th March 2006.

The group of young women gathered for prayer.



 An afternoon with the Pauline Cooperators in Bundoora

The Pauline Cooperators in Melbourne meet three times a year to further their Christian formation and grow in their pastoral spirituality, and also to strengthen and encourage one another’s vocation.
          On 19 March, twenty-two Cooperators gathered in Bundoora for an afternoon of prayer led by Sr. Rita, and with the participation of other Pastorelle Sisters from the local communities.
          In the first part of the afternoon, in small groups of three, the Cooperators shared some of their experiences of following Christ in their daily life.
In the second part, Sr. Rita used the Gospel from the third Sunday of Lent to introduce the Lectio Divina to the group. At the end of the experience everyone said how much they appreciated learning about this ancient form of prayer of the Church.
Sr. Rita also shared with the group how Vocation awareness & ministry is one of our priorities for the next sexennial and the role that the Cooperators can play in this.
          The next gathering will be a retreat day on 23rd September 2006. Other possibilities for on-going formation during the year are four sessions on spiritual discernment: Living my life in the Spirit (April-June), and four weeks study/reflection on the Gospel of Luke in October-November 2006.
          The end of year Mass for the Cooperators in which we also remember the anniversary of birth to eternal life of our Founder, Blessed James Alberione will be on the 12 November.



Sr Rita shares some insights on the Lectio Divina

with the group of Pauline Cooperators gathered in the Sisters Chapel.

Val Malavisi, one of the first Pauline Cooperators in Melbourne,

proclaims the Gospel during the Lectio divina.

Sr. Candida, Sr. Doreen and Sr. Cesarina

with a group of Cooperators at the end of the meeting.