A Eucharistic celebration in thanksgiving for Sr. Candida De Angelis 50th anniversary of Religious Profession as a Pastorelle Sister was held on Sunday, 5 August, at St. Fidelis Church, Moreland. In this parish community Sr. Candida has for the past five years dedicated herself to pastoral ministry.


Pastorelle Sisters, Daughters of St. Paul, Bishop O’Connell and Fr. Cartwright


The principal celebrant was Bishop Joseph O’Connell who has been a good friend to the Sisters since their arrival in Australia in 1955. Fr. David Cartwright, parish priest of St. Fidelis, gave the homily and Fr. Nestor Candado SSP, regional Superior of the Society of St. Paul in Australia, witnessed the renewal of vows that Sr. Candida made during the celebration.


The Homily of Fr. David Cartwright

Bishop Joseph O’Connell and concelebrants

Renewal of Religious Profession


Participating in the festivities were the Daughters of St. Paul ad the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, and other Religious from various Congregations.


A lovely feature of the gathering was the presence of many people from St. Fidelis’ parish and other parishes where Sr. Candida has worked in the past, and some of her former students who attended our Kindergarten in the 60s. Present were Pauline Cooperators, friends and benefactors.


Fr. David Cartwright presents Pope Benedict’s papal blessing

for the occasion.

Sr. Candida cuts the cake & Sr. Rita


Pervading the whole celebration was a felt sense of joy, gratitude and belonging as one people of God, journeying together, following Jesus Good Shepherd who leads each one of us to springs of living water.


Sr. Candida will leave for Italy on Friday to visit her family and to join in the celebration of her Golden Jubilee in the company of the other Pastorelle Sisters who made their First Religious Profession together in Rome on 3 September, 1957.


The whole Delegation rejoices and together with Sr. Candida proclaims