Delegation Australia


Winter Retreat with Pauline Cooperators and Friends


“Jesus, the centre of my life”



On Saturday 25 August 2007, a group of Pauline Cooperators and friends gathered in Bundoora for the Winter Retreat Day, a day that has become an integral part of their formation and spiritual journey.

The theme for the day was “Jesus, the centre of my life” and it was guided by Fr. Christopher Brennan SSP who was ordained a priest of the Society of St. Paul on 28 April 2007 in Sydney.

Fr. Nestor ssp, Sr. Rita sjbp, Fr. Christopher ssp, Sr. Revelina sjbp Hasel and Sr. Shamim sharing their insights

Responding to the theme “Jesus, the centre of my life”, Fr. Brennan led the morning by reflecting on “Jesus, the centre of Paul’s life” and “Jesus, the centre of Blessed James Alberione’s life”. He drew on the Pauline scriptures and Abundantes Divitiae, and, together with individual and small group reflection, he encouraged us to draw on our own experience as Jesus, centre of our lives.

His concluding exhortation reminded us: “Let us not lose sight of Jesus, who leads, who leads us in our faith and brings it to perfection” (cf. Heb. 12:1-2)


Fr.Christopher giving his blessing to Anne at the end of his first celebration of the Eucharist in our chapel.


Fr. Nestor Candado SSP, regional superior of the Society of St. Paul was also present. He gave a brief input on the Pauline Cooperators based on reflections from their recent Interchapter in Mexico.

Sr. Shamim of the Daughters of St. Paul was also present and she, together with Sr. Rita Ruzzene and Hasel Godilano, make up the formation team for the Pauline Cooperators in Australia. Sr. Revelina Santiago, visiting from the Philippines, led the Eucharistic Hour.