Delegation Australia

Spiritual Exercises in daily life

with Pauline Cooperators in Adelaide


From the 25 April to 26 May 2007, Sr. Rita Ruzzene has led the Spiritual Exercises in Daily life for a group of Pauline Cooperators from the parishes of Newton and Payneham in Adelaide.
Sr. Rita accompanied each person individually for the entire month. The whole group met on the first day for an afternoon of prayer and orientation and again on the last day for another afternoon of prayer and sharing of the experience.



On 19 May, the afternoon reflection on spiritual discernment was open to all interested parishioners as well as to the group engaged in the Spiritual Exercises. Altogether 80 people took part, 45 Italian speaking and 35 English speaking. The sessions were led in English by Sr. Rita and in Italian by Sr. Anna simultaneously in the parish Hall and in the Church. At the end of the afternoon people stayed on for refreshments, manifestly happy and grateful for the experience.


At the end of the Spiritual Exercises, the participants were keen to share the joy they had experienced and the particular grace each one had received during their month spiritual journey. Especially significant for each one was the experience of light and a growing love for the Word of God. The guidance of the spiritual director was very much appreciated especially in being helped to discern the presence of God in their daily life and the work of the Holy Spirit in every moment of their story. This is a confirmation of the invaluable importance of spiritual accompaniment in people’s lives.


Each participant also spoke of their greater awareness, as a result of the Exercises, of how God speaks to us through his Word and through our human thoughts and feelings.

There is no doubt that the availability and competence of Sr. Rita was deeply appreciated by all, and that the Cooperators are open and long for more on-going opportunities for growth in their spiritual life.                                                          

Sr. Rita Ruzzene sjbp & Sr. Anna Genovese sjbp