Delegation of Australia

Contemplating the mystery and journeying in faith


You may remember that the theme of our annual Delegation Assembly held in December 2006 was taken from Isaiah 43:19: “See I am doing a new deed, even now it comes to light; can you not see it?”.

The theme was a reflection of the journey of unification recently initiated between Australia and the Philippines.

In the opening prayer, Sr. Rita had invited the Sisters to take some seeds and plant them in a pot of soil to exemplify the mystery of life hidden in a seed which planted and nurtured dies and is transformed so as to bear fruit.
An imagery of the very mystery of the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, and our lives as followers of Jesus.

Since the Assembly we have observed this gradual transformation of the seeds into flowers and have been helped to contemplate the mystery of new life through death.

In December 2006 we beheld the seeds planted in the pot!



At Easter 2007 we behold the beauty of new life!


Nurtured with water, sun and light, and through the power of the Spirit of God present in all things, we stand in awe of the mystery of transformation:











In the light of the process of unification of Australia and the Philippines recently begun, we are invited to contemplate further the mystery of God active in our lives, and to journey in faith with our hearts open to the “new deed” that God in his love is doing for us.