Delegation of Korea

 Annual Assembly 2011


On January 10, 2011 (Monday), Sr. Teresa An Book Ney, our new Delegate Superior, opened officially the Echo Seminar on Pastoral Care of Souls. and the preparation for the 8th General Chapter, in an atmosphere of prayer, trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Jesus our Good Shepherd.



Sr. Cecilia Son Chung Myung, facilitated the recollection on the first day, using the lecture of Sr. Elena Bosetti sjbp on "Pietro e Paolo: Apostoli di Gesù Cristo e Pastori della sua Chiesa" and Fr. Giovanni Villata on "La Pastorale come cura del gregge".



During the second day of our assembly, Sr. Teresa An Book Ney, read the letter of Sr. Marta Finotelli, our General Superior, at the opening of the seminar in Rome. She shared with the assembly, the lecture of Fr. Innocenzo Gargano on the "Il servizio pastorale nella Chiesa secondo Gregorio Magno nell'interpretazione del commento al Primo Libro dei Rei" and a power point presentation on how the seminar in Rome proceeded.


Sr. Benedicta Kim Hye Kyoung shared on "Teologia e Azione Pastorale, una visione organica" according to Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik. Then Sr. Cristina Lee Jae Kyoung took her turn sharing the lecture of Sr. Maria Paola Aiello, regarding “La Cura d'anime come accompagnamento spirituale".


The sisters were so creative and in the hectic schedule, we managed to have a recreation night, well animated and with plenty of gifts for everyone, especially those who won during the games.



On the third day in the afternoon, January 12, 2010, we had the small group sharing regarding our experiences of the past 6 years, trying to live our objective for the year 2005-2011, according to the mandate of the 7th General Chapter. What we have shared were fruit of our December recollection in the small communities and we brought them to the General Assembly.



Each sister demonstrated a strong desire to be true Pastorella. The outcome of the sharing were presented in the assembly. The following day, we formulated our planned for year 2011. In a secret balloting, we chose Sr. Teresa An Book Ney, our new delegate superior to participate in the 8th. General Chapter and Sr. Cecila Son Chung Myung as her alternate.



Bishop Lee Ang Tek Joseph, the previous bishop of the diocese of Uijeongbu, celebrated the Mass on the fourth and last day of our assembly. He was happy to note the smile on our faces despite the heated discussion and exchange of views during the sessions. At the end most of us noticed how much we have grown as individuals and as a delegation, as shown by our enthusiastic participation in the discussions and then calmly and warmly embracing each other as a sign of our acceptance of one another.



As it was declared “open” by Sr. Teresa An Book Ney, it was also declared “closed”, in an atmosphere of prayer, thanking God for what was accomplished. We joined our hands as we sung the Our Father in Korean, as a concrete sign of our unity in owning our life… opening ourselves to God, like a vessel that receives water to the full, so we can share with others the beauty of God.

Sisters of the Delegation of Korea