Delegazione Corea



Seoul, South Korea

2012. 6. 29





The family where Sr. Min Kyeong Theresa comes from is small..

She has only one sister, who is a nurse and now lives with their parents


Sr. Theresa, walks to the altar holding a candle as she says YES to God who calls her to be a Pastorella. It is not only the sister who makes the offering of self but also the family where she first learned about God and His love.


With one hand on the Sacred Scripture and the other on her chest, she professes the vows of Charity, Poverty and Obedience for the rest of her life …..  She vows to follow Jesus the Good Shepherd more closely….  in the hands of the Delegate Superior; Sr. An Teresa and in the presence of two sisters who stands as her witnesses; Sr. Kim Anna and Sr. Hong Stephania.




Signing of the documents on the altar gives more significance to her vows….  for the rest of her  LIFE.




She is greeted and welcomed by all the Pastorelle Sisters present led by the delegate superior Sr. An Teresa.



Sr. Kim Min Kyeong Theresa celebrated the occasion  at the Catholic Church in Kirum Dong on the 29th of June 2012, the feast of St. Peter and Paul, the two pillars of the Catholic Church.





The occasion was more memorable because members of the Pauline Family participated; the Daughters of St. Paul were the choir while the Society of St. Paul, took charged of the liturgy. 14 priests and about 200 friends and parishioners came to celebrate the happy occasion with Sr. Kim Min Kyeong Theresa.


Korean Sisters