Philippine-Saipan Province

Pauline Juniors Encounter 2007

God manifests his love in various ways through persons and situations. This year the Pastorelle Juniorate Community, Imus Cavite is blessed to host the Pauline Juniors Encounter. November 24-25, 2007 the Pauline Juniors and Formators gathered together for the purpose of strengthening the bond as one family grounded in the Pauline charism for a better service to the church.



The Pastorelle Juniors being the host of the said encounter warmly welcomed the participants with the song “Welcome to the Family”. Eucharistic Adoration was animated by the PDDM to thank the Lord and to dispose everyone for the encounter.



Simple sharing of experiences, bonding, Film Showing was the night's highlight.


The next day, Nov. 25, the newly professed Juniors were welcomed. The newly professed perpetual members of the Pauline family shared their vocation stories and their present journey. It was followed by an open forum. After which the formators gave their words of inspiration. Though the schedule was hectic, the encounter was filled with “awe and wonder” for the marvels and beauty of the Pauline vocation. It was concluded with a community singing led by Sr. Ignacia, SJBP and Sr. Ling, FSP.


During the Pauline Gathering the Juniors presented a number. They sang “Ever Onward”.

Together as a family, they are meant to conquer the world. Fortified with fervor, idealism and youthful vitality, the Pauline Juniors strive to uphold Christian values in the modern and secular society.



There’s no place like home. And home is where the family is. May the Pauline family continuously inspire and welcome young men and women to join them and feel the difference of belonging to a family , who lives as a family, and who works as a family for “the love of Christ has gathered them into one”.