Philippine-Saipan Province



“The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”

                                                                  Jn 10:11


We, the Pastorelle Sisters of Philippine-Saipan Province, celebrate with joyful praise and thanksgiving the Lord’s gift of Perpetual Profession given to Sr. Saturnina C. Caccam and Sr. Emma O. Lusterio


The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Imus, Cavite, Most Rev. Luis Antonio Tagle, D.D., STD. together with the Bishop Emeritus, Most Rev. Manuel Sobrevinas, D.D., Seventeen (17) other clergies mostly from the Society of St. Paul and Priest-Collaborators in the different parishes where the two Sisters have been assigned also came to concelebrate.


Sr. Emma Pronouncing the Perpetual Vows

Sr. Saturnina Pronouncing the Perpetual Vows


We continue to accompany Sisters Saturnina and Emma with our prayers that the Holy Spirit may render them more and more similar to Jesus our Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.  May their life of consecration be truly an on-going renewal and dynamic fidelity to the prompting of the Spirit, so as to remain open to the new demands of the People of God with whom they will be sharing their life in the days ahead.


The Newly Professed with the Sisters & Postulants

 The Newly Professed with the Bishops and Clergies


With Sr. Saturnina’s Family

With Sr. Emma’s Family