Provincial Chapter of the Philippine Province

Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd “Pastorelle”




April 21, 2006


          The beloved disciple in today’s Gospel exclaimed: “It is the Lord!” (Jn  21:7). What an appropriate reading on the occasion of our gathering.  We too, humbly recognize with gratitude the Visit of the Risen Lord to us in these days of our assembly for the 2nd phase of our Provincial Chapter.  Indeed, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!.


















The Sisters, invoking the Holy Spirit at the opening of Provincial Chapter   












Sr Maria Rita Siochi at the opening of the second phase of the Provincial Chapter


          It is good to start our Provincial Chapter with a Spiritual Exercises drawing spiritual strength and wisdom from the Risen Lord.  Enlightened and inspired by the life of Sts. Peter and Paul, our models in the ministry of pastoral care, we are now ready to commit ourselves to what lies ahead in the next six years.


                                     The Sisters in the Chapter hall




Silent Eucharistic adoration  


          In the spirit of solidarity with all who have shared with us their support, we take this grace-filled opportunity to thank you for journeying with us in prayer and sacrifices for a meaningful and fruitful assembly.


                                      Group "Peter"




Group "Barnabas"

Revitalized and renewed of our commitment, we now enter in the spirit of active participation, cooperation and involvement in putting flesh and blood to our Provincial Sexennial Programmation.


Group "Stephen"




Group "Paul"




In fraternal communion,

Pastorelle Sisters, Philippine Province

New Manila, Quezon City