Philippine-Saipan Province

Silver Jubilees 2007

Renewing graced moments


Yahweh in the OT instructed the chosen people to celebrate jubilees every 25 years.  These jubilees were moments of grace that involved the twin moments of remembering and renewing.  On the one hand, the Jews were to regularly remember how Yahweh in his love and mercy had saved them, and on the other hand, they had to renew their covenant with God of mercy and love.


Our Jubilarians likewise came to renew their covenant with Jesus Good Shepherd.  There is no better way to thank our God of love and mercy other than to rekindle our fervor for continuing faithful love and service for the Church by leading the people to the Springs of Life!


Sr Aida Renewing her Covenant with God

Sr. Mel Renewing her Covenant with God

Sr. Melit Renewing her Covenant with God


On May 30, 2007, we joined our Sisters AIDA, MEL and MELIT in remembering the “great things the Lord has done” for them.  With them we also thank God for his abiding presence in their life  who throughout these 25 years has been working in them and through them.  Indeed they are witnesses of God’s love and mercy.  How awesome is his faithfulness!

ï Sr. Melit Delivering the Jubilarians’ Message

         of Thanksgiving


The joy of our 3 Jubilarians won’t be complete without sharing it with the significant people in their lives who in one way or another have helped sustained their vocation with their love and friendship, sincere caring and prayerful support.


The Jubilarians with the Concelebrating Priests

The Jubilarians with the Officiating Priest, Rev. Fr. Matthew Sanchez, SJ



The Jubilarians with the  Sisters, Postulants and Aspirant


The Jesus Good Shepherd School Choir Rendering Song Numbers at the Reception

(in front are the families of Srs. Melit and Mel)

Sr. Aida with her Family


Sisters Melit -  Mel  - Aida

For being part of our life –

for journeying with us –

for joining us in thanking the Lord,

for the gift of life and vocation,


May Jesus Good Shepherd bless you!