Gift of Life with Wisdom and Grace 



September 12, 2007, is a day to remember not only for SR. INNOCENZA TURRA (fondly called by the Filipina Sisters as Sister “I”), but for all of us in the whole Philippine Province for the fact that the greater part of her life has been spent  in generous and faithful service to our Filipino people. 


As expression of the Sisters’ deep gratitude, appreciation and love for everything that Sister “I” has been to us, the Community of  Jesus Good Shepherd School, in collaboration with all the Pastorelle Communities in the Philippines both far and near, organized a Surprised Birthday Party to celebrate meaningfully her 75th Birthday.


A. “Surprises of the Day”


Presence of a dear Italian friend

   A grand cake for a great person


Lovely flowers

for the Beloved Sister


Down memory lane

of old favorite songs


Presentation Number

from the Elem. School Dept.


Presentation Number

from the High School Faculty


B. Birthday Messages


Surprised phone call

from her younger sister, RINA


from Sr. Ma. Rita, Provincial Superior

from Sr. Veronica Gungon,

representing Jesus Good Shepherd

School Community


from Sr.  Lolita Guibac, representing the Juniorate Community

and Sr. Victoria Sanchez, representing the Tanza Community





We, the Filipina Pastorelle Sisters here and abroad, would like to express our sincere appreciation for the Gift of your Person to us all.  Through the years and for reasons more than one, your LIFE-GIVING PRESENCE is like s garden beside a flowing stream among us.  It is with much  joy that we give thanks to the Lord for your Gift of Self  that we have received in the form of many blessings:


First, thank you for the gift of CONTEMPLATION.  As a Pastorella steeped in prayer and fruitful in action, you witness to us, your Sisters in the Congregation, a life marked by a “long, loving look” at God  and the flock He has committed to your care.  By your pastoral ministry be it in activity or in silence, you love us, and we feel how you remember us daily as you allow yourself be immersed  in the flowing streams of your communion with the Father.


Thank you for the gift of that COMMUNION that unites us together.  By your passion and zeal in your own little way,  you have built bridges particularly between your generous Italian  “kababayan” (townmates) and our privileged poor in the Philippines.  For almost 43 years, you continue to pour your heart and spend your energies creating among us and among God’s people in the Philippines a sacred space for listening with the heart.


Lastly, thank you, Sr. ‘I’, for the gift of  CARING and SHARING,  Truly, discipleship starts with the heart. You touched us with the depth of your concern for others, especially for our poor brothers and sisters, including the families of our Sisters in the Philippines.  You genuinely affirm and value persons not for their looks, nor for what they’ve got, but simply because they are the children of God.  By your word and witness, you inspire and challenge us to reflection and action, and you generate among us commitment and concerted responses to common causes.


Our prayer and wish?  May Jesus our Good Shepherd and Mary, his Mother and our Mother too, continue to inspire our hearts and quicken our steps as we try to imitate you,  Sr. ‘I’, in welcoming  the coming of the Lord in your final hour serenely and gratefully —be it today, tomorrow or in the years yet to come.


May we continue to live in the spirit that has made us sons and daughters of one Father, in the love that has made us brothers and sisters to one another!


Happy Birthday, Sister “I” !