Philippine Province

Light Moments … Memoirs

Brief Visit


“O how good and delightful to live  as Sisters all united.”

(Ps. 133)


          Indeed we, the Pastorelle Sisters of the Philippine Province have been very much blessed by your life-giving presence in our midst, our Sisters from Australia: Sisters Rita Ruzzene and Anna Genovese, and from Korea: Sisters Maria Lim, Anna Kim and Cristina Lee.  Our heartfelt gratitude goes most specially to our Sisters from the General Government:  Sisters MARTA FINOTELLI, ALBINA BOSIO, LUZ MARY OLIVEROS and AMINTA SARMIENTO.


WELCOME – MABUHAY, Srs. Marta, Albina, Luz Mary, Aminta
and all Sister-Delegates from Australia and Korea!

          Limited though were the days of our togetherness, they were treasured moments to remember maximized to the full in building deeper bonding among ourselves and enjoying each other’s company as one family.


Let’s sing “Welcome to the Family” by the Broadway Community led by Sr. Gee


After a few day’s work, tired but happy with a cone of “gelato”



What a wonderful time with the Imus Community serving “buko”


A shot with the Sisters of Tanza-Imus-Juniorate Communities


A refreshing moment with a glass of “halo-halo”

after a day’s Cultural Experience at Villa Escudero



Let’s recreate and do the “Chicken Dance” before we part


A pose with the Lingayen Community - Sisters-Aspirants-Friends and Benefactors


Some meaningful moments of brief sharing and listening

to the Sisters from Alaminos-San Fernando-Banna Communities



Another privileged hours with the poor children of the Lingayen Feeding Center


and pupils of  Jesus Good Shepherd Development Center


Time to say ‘CHEEZ’ with the Sisters of the Novitiate Community



And finally before to go - a brief pause with the Provincialate Community


We bless and thank you, Lord, for Sisters Marta, Albina, Luz Mary and Aminta.

Protect and guide them always wherever they will be.  Amen.


“Bye, bye!  We’ll surely miss you!”



“Ci vediamo! I’ll miss you too!