Philippines Australia Saipan Province


Janssen Spirituality Centre for Inter-religious

and Cross-cultural Relations: Open Day


Janssen Spirituality Centre


On Sunday 3rd August 2008, we had the pleasure of attending the Opening of the Janssen Spirituality Centre for Inter-religious and Cross-cultural Relations in Boronia (Melbourne)The Centre is dedicated to mutual understanding and enrichment, respect and collaboration, between the followers of various cultures and faith traditions. It is linked to the Society of the Divine Word and Fr. Frank Gerry SVD is the Director of the Centre.


Fr. Tim Norton SVD Provincial

Pastorelle Sisters: Brenda, Rita and Anna

with Sr. Christa SSpS (Holy SpiritSister) at the Centre


Special guests at the Opening were representatives from various faith traditions. Everyone present had the opportunity of taking part in a presentation/prayer, led by the special guests, to help them gain new insights into the particular faith-tradition of their choice. Sessions that people could choose from were:


Special Guests representing various faith-traditions

Introduction to Buddhist Meditation; “God is great ‘As if’: A Radical Reading of the Revelation at Mt. Sinai”; Brni Nivedita Yoga (Hindu) Meditation; Taize Prayer; Introduction to Islamic Zikhr (Remembrance of God) and TRIKA-Experience of living in an interfaith household.

The four of us who attended the Opening chose each to go to a different session so that later we can come together and share our experiences and so be mutually enriched.


Filipino dance



Vietnamese dance


The afternoon included cultural presentations with Filipino and Vietnamese dancing and Tongan singing of local songs. It was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new people.

Tongan singing

It was good to learn that the local paper has taken an interest in the Spirituality Centre and that last week it ran an article explaining the nature and purpose of the Centre.


Sr. Mary La Bruna sjbp