Philippine-Australia-Saipan Province


We congratulate and rejoice with Sr. Nelia Llanto on the happy occasion of her graduation from The John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family.

On Friday, 12 March 2010, Sr. Nelia was one of five who was awarded the Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies (Marriage and Family).

The graduation ceremonial took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne, during the prayer of Vespers for Friday in the Third Week of Lent. The liturgy was presided by Archbishop Denis Hart, and the address given by The Director of the Institute, Rev. Peter J. Elliot.



Sr. Rita, Sr. Letizia and a group of friends attended the evening, joining family and friends of the other graduands.

As we celebrate Sr. Nelia’s achievement, we do well to call to mind the 7GC directive in the area of formation: “we assume our formation as a community, according to the GPF, in assiduous listening of the Word and world events, deepening our studies and our Congregational resources” (cf. lines of action 2).



This line of action reflects Fr. James Alberione’s exhortation to the Pastorelle Sisters from the very beginning of the Congregation to “Imparate sempre di più, impegnatevi per progredire; più sarete istruite e saprete fare, più farete del bene. Dovete essere sempre più in cammino per un apostolato sempre più efficace, sempre attuale”, that is,   “Always learn more and more, commit yourselves to progress; the better instructed you are, the more good you will achieve. You have always to be on the move towards an always more effective and more up-to-date apostolate”.  (Alla Sorgente, Holy Saturday 1942).


Sr. Mary La Bruna sjbp