Philippine-Australia-Saipan Province

On-going Formation Group Encounters



A. First 10 Years - the “Dawn” Group



“All works and no prayer and play,

makes the Pastorelle pushy and cranky old maids”


As expected of their age, the “Dawn” Group are the most dynamic, fiery and zealous workers in the pastoral ministry. However, seemingly the most tired and weary also came from this Group, so much so that after the long series of activities during the year, they requested for no more input nor intellectual work, but only simple yet deep bonding moments of sharing of each other’s experiences, listening to stories, laughter, swimming, mounting climbing, rest and prayer together. Held on January 5-6, 2008 at a benefactor’s private rest house, the Sisters savored the soothing tranquility of the place and tremendously enjoyed the nature’s awesome beauty around!


The traditional exchange of gifts done in prayer concluded the day; in the light of the Gospel Reading each Sister’s Project of Life for the year 2008 was shared.


Complete Photo of the Group




B. The “Rainbow” Group



After the 2 weeks break from the Christmas holyday sprees, the “Rainbow” Group was more disposed to feed not only their body but also the Spirit.  They were gratefully enriched by the new learning they  had during the 3 days Seminar (Jan. 18-20, 2008) organized by the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA) on the theme: “HEALING THE EARTH: Our Response to Violence, Injustice and Ecological Crisis”.

Some of the topics expounded and reflected upon were:


· God’s Dream for Humanity & Creation: One Earth – One People

· The World Seems to be Falling Apart: Violence, Injustice, and Ecological Degradation

· The Gospel of Peace:  Revisiting the early Christian Tradition of Non-violence

· Globalization:   Confronting the Reign of Earthly Greed with the Liberating Power of the Kingdom of God

· Eco-theology:  Only Wholeness is Sacred. Towards a New Theological Vision

· The Earth is God’s Temple:   Ecological Spirituality


The  Seminar ended with the formulation of  Statement of the Committee and the Proposed Responses to the Theme.  In the afternoon, the Sisters deepened the  reflections and shared with each other their insights and realizations. They concluded the day sharing on the one thing they will bring back to their community and ministry.




C. The “Beloved” Group



The “Beloved” Group held its day of  bonding on January 5, 2008 in the historical place of Corregidor Island in Bataan in the spirit of prayer  “of a pilgrim who struggles with the journey”.   They visited the different tunnels which served as refuge to nearly 80,000 hungry men from battle worn troops of Filipino and American soldiers who were sent to slow or push back the invasion of Imperial Japan during the 2nd World War.


Truly, the harrowing experiences of the war as  described to the Sisters (of pilots without planes, cavalrymen without horses, gunners without tanks and Filipinos without shoes, all fought valiantly against the relentless tide of Japanese invaders and their unending artillery bombardment  to defend Bataan), inspired them deeply and gave them new courage to FREE  HUMANITY everywhere.  Perhaps though not necessarily difficult but persevering little acts of random kindness we strive to do each day especially to those we find it hard to love. 




D. The “Eagles” Group



The “Eagles” Group composing of  9 Perpetual Professed Sisters raging from  58 years of age to 77, requested to experience the  Charismatic Pilgrimage guided by Sr. Cristina Justo on January 7-9, 2008.  Unfortunately due to certain unavoidable circumstances,  only 4 of them: Sisters Ma. Rita Siochi, Lily Ann Santos, Francisca Felix and Jesusa Villaverde,  made it on the day.  Since all of them   have had the experience of the Charismatic Pilgrimage in Italy, they found it easier to enter and situate themselves through their imagination to the places of origin of our Father Founder with the help of Sster. Cristina’s orientation and explanation. 


Like  the previous imaginary pilgrimage done around Manila by some groups before, the  aim of tracing the root of our origin so as to rediscover the charismatic foundation of our Congregation with renewed enthusiasm and deeper  love for  the foundational places of the Pauline Family was achieved.  All the Sisters expressed their deeper appreciation of the  experience and gladly gave their suggestions (upon the request  of Sr. Cristina) in order to improve and make the future pilgrimages more meaningful and beneficial for all.