Philippine-Australia-Saipan Province

Retreat of young professionals

Thirty two graduating college students of St. Columban College of Lingayen, Pangasinan had their 3 days retreat on March 12-14, 2008 in Zambales. The Retreat was facilitated by Sr Marivic P. Ching, sjbp, who gave the conferences on the theme “Spirituality of Transition” with Dra. Ederlinda M. Pantaleon, the College Dean, who accompanied their  students too.




The retreat was done

in communal prayers,

personal reflection,

small groups sharing

and the celebration

of the Sacraments of

Eucharist and Reconciliation.


Morning Praise in the seashore


Morning Exercise


Group sharing


Marnie Cabiles, one of our postulants, was one of the retreatants. She finished her 4 years Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Course which she started in the Congregation in Aspirancy.  On May 15, 2008 she will join our other five 5 Postulants who will enter the Novitiate.


Sr. Marivic with Postulant Marnie


On the last night, the College Father Director came over to culminate  the Retreat the next day with the Eucharistic Celebration.



Let us pray for these young men and women as they enter into the real world of their profession.  May they ever walk in simplicity with their God amidst the complexities and materialistic lure of this modern world.   May Jesus our Good Shepherd guide every step of their way in continuous search for meaning in their journey to life.                                                                      

Sr. Marivic P. Ching, sjbp