General Government


Remembering the Foundation of our Congregation

 “The Almighty has done great things for me,

 and Holy is His name”

Lk 1:49


Let us give thanks and praise the Lord, our Good Shepherd who is faithful to us and works  great things for us. In communion with all our communities in the world, we had the opportunity of celebrating the Holy Eucharist for the first time in our community since we transferred here in Taipei. The Mass, presided by Fr. Claudio Pegoraro, superior of the OFM community, was celebrated in Chinese!




In his homily Fr. Claudio reminded each one us that since we are called “newly born baby” among the Pauline Family here in Taiwan, we should not fear, as what the angel Gabriel told the Blessed Virgin Mary during the Annunciation. Although Chinese language is not easy the Lord who sent us here in Taiwan, will also provide the graces we need to sustain us in this mission. This is what the Lord had done to Mary He. He also told us that even though at times we do not know what to say due to language barrier, it is the Lord who will put the words on our mouth and it is the Lord who will teach us what to say and do.




Among those present for this joyful affair were some sisters from the Daughters of St. Paul and the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master and also our two Chinese teachers. After the Eucharistic Celebration, we shared with them a simple dinner wherein we prepared salami and bread to remember what our first sisters experienced 73 years ago at Genzano, Rome.



Truly, we have no reason to be afraid because for 73 years the Lord remained and remains faithful to us and He always shower us with the graces we need. The God who  accompanied our Congregation from the very start is the same Lord who is with us up to this time. 


For the community,

Sr. Jessica C. Aglavia